
NUS Orbital 2022

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User Guide

Not sure how our website works? Here is something to get you started!

You can use the PathFinder logo at the top left of our website to quickly navigate back to the main page

Guest User

Create an account

  1. At the main page, click on Sign Up found at the top right corner
  2. At the Sign Up page, enter your email address

    Ensure you can access the email account, we will send an verification email to you

  3. Think of a good password for your account

    Your password need a minimum length of 6 characters

  4. Enter the password again to verify

    This prevents accidential typo error when entering your password

  5. Click Register As New User to create your account
  6. Check your inbox for the verification email
  7. Open the verification email and click on the provided link

If you face any issues, check this out.

Module Dependency Graph


  1. From the dropdown, select which course you wish to see the dependency graph

    TIP! If you indicated your course in your profile page, it will automatically be displayed here
    You can skip this step!

  2. Click Generate Module Dependency Graph to generate graph

Underatanding the graph

The modules you need to take to graduate is displayed:

Interacting the graph

Module Information

This portion is displayed beside the graph. When you click on the module, its information is displayed here. Its the same information you can find on NUSMods (save you the trouble to switching over to another tab).

Semester Planning


  1. Required modules (for selected course) are listed on the left
  2. Drag and drop which module you want to take to which semester
  3. If module pre-requities are not completed in the previous semesters, the module will turn red
  4. Hover cursor over the module to see the pre-requities
  5. You can add more semesters to put all your modules

Account User

You can do everything a guest user can do (plus extras below)!

Log In

  1. At the main page, click on Login found at the top right corner
  2. A small popup will appear
  3. Enter the email address and password you used when creating your PathFinder account
  4. Click Log In to log into your account

If you face any issues, check this out.

Setting up new account

  1. Login, or click the link in your verification email
  2. You should see this page
  3. Fill in your first and last name
  4. Click Update Profile to finish setting up your account

Forgot Password

Fret not! We got your back!

  1. At the login popup, click on Forget Password? and you will be redirect to another page
  2. Enter your email address you used when creating your account
  3. Once done, click Send Link to receive an email reset your password
  4. Go check your inbox (or spam folder) for the email
  5. Click on the link in the email and we will direct you to a new page
  6. Enter your new password, and re-enter it again to verify
  7. Click on Reset Password to reset your password

Log Out

At the top-right of the page, click on the hamburger icon (the 3 lines icon) and then click Logout

My Modules Table

Upon successful login to the main page, click on the Modules tab

Adding a new modules

image image
At the textbox, type in the module code. If the module code is valid, a green tick appears and you can click Add

Marking a module as completed

Under the COMPLETED header, toggle the switch of the row of the module (grey: not cimpleted | blue: completed)

TIP! If you indicate the module as completed, the graph will automatically indicate it as completed

Removing module

Click on the bin icon found at the far right of the row of the module

If you face any issues, check this out.

Update personal information

  1. Login to your account (duh)
  2. At the top-right of the page, click on the hamburger icon (the 3 lines icon) and then click Profile
  3. Click the Personal tab and look under the Personal Information tab
  4. Click on the textbox and change whatever you wish to update
  5. Click on Update Profile to update your personal infomation

If you face any issues, check this out.

Update academic information

  1. Login to your account (duh)
  2. At the top-right of the page, click on the hamburger icon (the 3 lines icon) and then click Profile
  3. Click the Academic tab and look under the Academic Information section
  4. Click on the dropdown box and select the correct option
  5. Click on Update Profile to update your academic infomation

Change Password

  1. Login to your account (duh)
  2. At the top-right of the page, click on the hamburger icon (the 3 lines icon) and then click Profile
  3. Click the Security tab and look under the Change password section
  4. Enter your new password, and re-enter it again to verify
  5. Click on Reset Password to change your password

Still got more questions? Check out our solutions to some common issues.