
NUS Orbital 2022

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This documentation provides a brief overview of our project. For in-depth documentation, please refer to our Milestones READMEs.

Tech Stack

Software Engineering Principles

Version Control

We used GitHub to host our repository as well as to enforce version control of our code. We used different branches to concurrently develop on different features of the project.

Manual Testing

During our development, we did our own testing to ensure that the various features work as we had imagined it to. We also tested the features which the other member did and provided feedback on what we think can be improved on, or and issues we faced when trying out the feature.

User Testing

To have a better idea on how other users would find out application, we created a Google Form which user can fill in. The form clearly indicated various task which the users can completed. Each task has specific steps to tests a certain part of our application. Within the form, testers are provided with the steps to accomplish the task, and can also indicate any issues they faced when trying to complete the task. This allowed us to determined pinpoint whichever part of our application that needed improvement.