
NUS Orbital 2022

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Project Design

Program Flow

Database Tables Structure

Table Name: profiles

Column Name Data Type Format
user_id uuid uuid
first_name text text
last_name text text
cohort text text
course text text
role smallint int2
updated_at timestamp with time zone timestampz

Remarks: role indicate which pages can the user access

Table Name: modules

Column Name Data Type Format
id uuid uuid
acad_year text text
code text text
name text text
description text text
credit smallint int2
pre_req ARRAY _text
preclusion text text
updated_at timestamp with time zone timestampz

Remarks: code refers to the module code

Table Name: courses

Column Name Data Type Format
id bigint int8
course_name text text
cohort text text
grad_requirement ARRAY _text
position ARRAY _text

Remarks: position stores the position of the modules at the graph

Table Name: academic

Column Name Data Type Format
id uuid uuid
user_id uuid uuid
module uuid uuid
completed boolean bool