
NUS Orbital 2022

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Database Data

Run this SQL to quickly provide some data to your database.

If you are using Supabase, you can quickly insert the data to your database by pasting this into the Supabase SQL Editor.
Log into Supabase > Project > SQL Editor > + New query > paste sql > Run

insert into courses (course_name, cohort, grad_requirement, position) values
    'Computer Science', 
      { "CS1101S", "-340", "-200" },
      { "CS1231S", "0","-200"},
      { "MA1521", "300", "-200" },
      { "MA2001", "558", "-140" },
      { "CS2040S", "-145", "-90" },
      { "CS2109S", "134", "80" },
      { "ST2334", "413", "-53" },
      { "CS3230", "-140", "80" },
      { "CS2030S", "-340", "-90" },
      { "CS2101", "-342", "230" },
      { "CS2103T", "-342", "200" },
      { "CS2100", "-530", "-90" },
      { "CS2106", "-530",  "80" },
      { "IS1103", "560", "-77" },
      { "ES2660", "560", "-17" },
      { "CS1231S or CS2040S or MA1521", "130", "-53"}